Senez 46 (2015)
- Date of publication: september 2015
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1049-2015
- 272 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- Txomin Arratibel (1956-2015) - Beatriz Zabalondo
- Greek poets of the 20th century - Koldo Ruiz de Azua
- Elearazi in the words of its creators - Karlos del Olmo
- Barakaldo, desert - Jone Aldamiz-Etxebarria
- As You Like It - Maialen Berasategi Catalán
- Shakespeare, improvisor of verse: translation in verse - Miren Ibarluzea Santisteban
- One writer, four voices and a translator: translating Pessoa's heteronyms - Isabel Etxeberria Ramírez
- Translating Duras: challenge and responsibility - Xabier Artola Zubillaga
- The complete works of Teresa of Avila translated into Basque - Patxi Uribarren Leturiaga
- Heterolingualism in the works of Ramon Saizarbitoria - Goizane Larramendi Corpion
- From syntax to communication - Jesus Rubio
- On linguistic economics - Xabier Aristegieta Okiñena
- Literary translation among Basque and other minority languages - Garazi Ugalde Pikabea
- Translation analysis of phraseological units between German and Basque. General outline of the thesis - Zuriñe Sanz Villar
- Translation corpora in lexicography: new resources - David Lindemann
- Translation of Office 2010 and Windows 7 courses - Ziortza Garmendia
- Review of a number of publications on translation - Karlos del Olmo, Elizabete Manterola, Silvia Parra
- Basque, a living people, living language, living country - Bittor Hidalgo