Senez 35 (2008)
- Date of publication: 2008
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 256 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts of the following articles.

- Malcolm Lowry, poet - Karlos del Olmo
- Dialogue with Antton Elosegi - Karlos del Olmo
- Translation in the French Basque Country - Edurne Alegria
- The politics of translation in the plans for the standardization of the Basque language of the Basque Administration - Roberto Manjón Lozoya
- The terminological pretension of the word "lengoaia" - Juan Garzia
- Translation and censorship under Franco as ideological and cultural rewriting - María Pérez L. de Heredia
- Survey of audiovisual translators: report on results - Josu Barambones Zubiria
- Terminology in linguistic management - Joxean Zapirain
- Machine translation - Inaki Irazabalbeitia
- Software localization - Silvia Borrás Giner
- Old customs for new times: how to take the first steps in the profession - Lurdes Auzmendi
- Three translators from San Sebastian - Ales Bengoetxea
- Autore, traduttore - Unai Elorriaga
- 'Gainbehera dator dena': the Basque translation of... - Alberto Mtz. de la Cuadra
- Translating Kafka as a first experience in literary translation - Naroa Zubillaga
- Friends true and false - Jaume Cabré
- 'Saying Almost the Same Thing: Experiences in translation': an introduction - Umberto Eco
- From Babel to EIZIE by way of the Pentecost - Kaxildo Alkorta