Senez 9 (1990)
- Date of publication: 1990
- ISSN: 84-7086-266-9
- L.D.: S.S. 748/9
- 184 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts of the following articles.

- Presentation - Senez
- The Translation of 'Obabakoak' - Interview with Bernardo Atxaga - Juan Garzia
- The bitter reality of Basque Interpreters - Lurdes Auzmendi, Koldo Tapia
- Translation in Basque institutions: the Basque Parliament - Mikel Garmendia
- Interpreting in court - Alberto Amorrortu
- Translation taken to court - Aintzane Ibarzabal
- Gregorio Arrue and his era - Yoana Iguaran
- The use of commas - Igone Zabala, Juan Carlos Odriozola (Leioako Zientzi Fakultateko irakasleak)
- Figurative language in translations - Koldo Biguri
- The organic nature of translated texts - Xabier Mendiguren
- The theory of Maestro Baltasar Cespedes concerning the work of translating - Francisco Calero