Senez 12 (1991, special issue)
- Date of publication: 1991
- ISSN: 84-7086-287-1
- L.D.: S.S. 759/92
- 184 pp.
This issue regards the Conference about Translation organised by the University of the Basque Country and its Summer Courses. All the articles have been published in the language in which the talks were given, but you can read the abstracts in English.

- Presentation - Senez
- Some factors determinig the function of translation in LDL - J.M. Zabaleta
- Translation, the mainspring of culture - Ewald Osers
- The need for translation and the development of Traductology. History of its development - Amparo Hurtado Albir
- Scientific translation in languages of lesser diffusion and the process of normalisation - Seosamh O Murchú
- Teaching translation across European languages - Eva Koberski
- Translating the literature of languages of limited diffusion into more widely spoken tongues - Eva Tóth
- The Flemish Example - Maurice Voituriez
- Translator from European languages of limited diffusion: professional status - Zlata Kufnerová
- Ethnocentrism versus exocentrism? - Juan Garzia