Senez 52 (2021)
- Date of publication: September 2021
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1049-2015
- 244 pages
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts in English.

- The Homer of the Caribbean - Joannes Jauregi
- A you turned into I: 'Camuflaxe' by Lupe Gómez - Jon Kortazar eta Juan Kruz Igerabide
- Juan Kruz Igerabide, writing and translating from orality - Karlos del Olmo
- Translation: key to the world - Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun, Isabel Etxeberria, Idoia Santamaaria eta Beñat Sarsola
- Pioneering Basque women translators (from Bizenta Antonia Mogel Elgezabal to the 1970s) - Ainhoa Salaberria Garmendia
- An exercise: the white translator of June Jordan - Ane Garcia Lopez
- The essay in Basque translation: an in-depth study - Olatz Esteban Ezkati
- New editions and their revision - Fernando Rey
- Bicentennial of Dostoyevsky’s birth - Roberto Serrano
- Translation returning to (language) teaching - Miren Ibarluzea Santisteban (UPV/EHU)
- Post-editing workshop: key points - Uxoa Iñaurrieta eta Nora Aranberri
- The neural machine translator in the Administration of the Basque Autonomous Community - Manu Arrasate
- Remote interpretation - Maria Colera Intxausti