Senez 45 (2014)
- Date of publication: september 2014
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 248 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- Impossible - Josu Zabaleta
- Interview with Koro Navarro - Karlos del Olmo
- Jose Antonio Retolaza, 'In Memoriam' - Koldo Biguri
- Witness to a Generation - Garazi Arrula
- Denonartean: The Classics Illustrated - Unai Pascual
- Preliminary Norms for a Literary Canon of Works Translated into Basque - Manu López Gaseni
- Preface to the Universal Literature Collection - Miren Ibarluzea
- Collaboration in Translation - Xabier Olarra
- Decisions Made in Translating Chinese Author Mo Yan's 'Hori da umorea, maisu!' - Maialen Marin-Lacarta, Aiora Jaka
- Questions in Pinter's 'The Lover' - Garazi Arrula
- Children's and Young People's Literature Translated from German into Basque - Naroa Zubillaga
- An Examination of Second-Level Punctuation: Koldo Mitxelena's Punctuation of Parenthetical Statements - Agurtzane Azpeitia, Elixabete Perez
- Interpretation in Public Administration - Marina Aparicio and Lurdes Auzmendi
- Miracles Are Real: An Interpreter at the 2011 World Youth Day - Ana Blazquez
- Calming Fears: The Localization of Software in Basque - Ane López
- Itzulges: A New Tool for Translation - Patxi Alaña
- Destination Poland: Second Station - Elizabete Manterola