Senez 49 (2018)
- Date of publication: october 2018
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1049-2015
- 292 pp
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- 40 Catalan poets - Karlos del Olmo
- In memoriam - Karlos del Olmo
- 30 years of EIZIE - Karlos del Olmo
- Conversation with Xabier Queiruga - Amaia Apalauza, Iñigo Roque
- On the translation of the poetry anthology 'Corramos libres ahora' [Let Us Now Run Free] - Ibai Sarasua Garcia
- Benedetti in Basque - Aiora Jaka
- Report on the workshop entitled “Traduint Lauaxeta al català” [“Translating Lauaxeta into Catalan”] organized by the Barcelona Basque Center for the 2018 Literaldia festival - Mònica Font, Jon Elordi
- Whatever works. Reflections on the translation into Basque of Gender Trouble by Judith Butler - Ana Morales
- A new model for the review and evaluation of translated texts - Inaxio Lopez de Arana Arrieta
- Praise be to correctors! - Mario Unamuno
- Translating act titles: a syntactic nightmare - Gilen Mejuto
- Report on the workshop entitled “Translate pictures or picture the text? Some hints for translating comics into Basque” - Maialen Garagarza
- Porn notes from a reader on literature translated into Basque - Hedoi Etxarte
- The reception of Galician literature in the new millennium. Its relationship with Basque culture - Aurea Fernandez et al.
- Literature translated into Catalan: a diagnosis - Aritz Galarraga Lopetegi
- Representations of contemporary Basque literary translation: the autonomization of the field, literary historiographies, and the translator in fiction - Miren Ibarluzea
- Materials for a comparative stylistic analysis of translation between Basque and Spanish: explanatory relative clauses in literary translations from Basque into Spanish - Koldo Biguri
- Basque > Spanish sight translation in conference, institutional and judicial settings - Claudia Torralba
- Nuclear interpreters, on the other side of the double fence - Ana Blazquez
- EAFT 2018 Terminology Summit Meeting in San Sebastian - Maite Imaz
- Terminological management and optimization of the process of specialized translation: applications in computer security - María José Pinilla Machado