Senez 44 (2013)
- Date of publication: september 2013
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 296 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- Jean Haritschelhar, 'in memoriam' - Karlos del Olmo
- Mark Strand, Poet Laureate - Paulo Kortazar, Karlos del Olmo
- On the Edge of the Road: an Interview with Jon Kortazar - Karlos del Olmo
- Cats, Translators, Writers, and Other Animals - Itziar Otegi
- Reflections on the Translation of 'Tartuffe' - Juan Martin Elexpuru
- How to Get Rid of Accumulated Fat: Ruminations on Self-Correction - Iñigo Roque Eguzkitza
- Notes on the Transfer of Poetry - Gerardo Markuleta
- An Example of Indirect Translation: 'Na Drini ćuprija' by Ivo Andríc - Karlos Zabala
- The Process of Translating the Play 'Tierra pisada, por donde se anda, camino' - Agus Perez
- The Blog '31 eskutik' (31 hands) Almost One Year Old - Miren Iriarte, Patxi Petrirena
- The Public Translation Memory Bank - Araceli Diaz De Lezana
- The Basque-Finnish Dictionary: A Collaborative Work - Joseba Ossa
- Both Sides of the Line - Lurdes Auzmendi
- In turbulent times, translations profit - Marta Iravedra
- Lighthouses in the Darkness. Ideology and Translation: Feminist and Postcolonial Perspectives - María Reimóndez
- Review of a number of publications on translation - Elizabete Manterola, Xabier Mendiguren Bereziartu
- Destination Poland: First Station - Aiora Jaka