Senez 10 (1990)
- Date of publication: 1990
- ISSN: 84-7086-287-3
- L.D.: S.S. 223/91
- 140 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts of the following articles.

- Presentation - EIZIE
- Interview with Pello Zabaleta - K. Biguri eta J. Zabaleta
- FIT-Belgrado 1990 - J. Zabaleta
- Basque language and advertising - Jesus Eguzkiza
- The translation of poetry from the perspective of cultural context - Sarka Grauová
- Some notes on the basque translation of 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' ('Aliceren Abenturak Lurralde Miresgarrian') - Manu Lopez Gaseni
- Professional examinations for professional translators - J.C. Sager