Senez 40 (2010, special issue)

  • Date of publication: 2010
  • ISSN: 1132-2152
  • L.D.: SS-1152/01
  • 118 pp.



The monographic issue of Senez that you hold in your hands, dear reader, is a special edition dedicated to the fruit of the "Writer in the Translators' Workshop" organized by EIZIE in the fall of 2010: a small sample of Basque literature translated into various languages. Here you will find a number of poems by Itxaro Borda in five different languages (Basque, French, Spanish, Catalan and Galician). Next, in testimony to this valuable and enriching experience, a story by the coordinator of the conference, Manu López Gaseni, and Itxaro Borda's thoughts about the workshop. We close with brief biographies of the workshop participants.
