Senez 42 (2011, special issue)

  • Date of publication: 2011
  • ISSN: 1132-2152
  • L.D.: SS-1152/01
  • 160 pp.



This special edition of Senez focuses on a play, and more specifically, describes the results of the "Writers in the Translators' Workshop" organised by EIZIE in the autumn of 2011. The special edition contains excerpts from Arantxa Iturbe and Agurtzane Intxaurraga's play Aitarekin bidaian in six different languages: Basque, Polish, German, Spanish, Catalonian and English. Once again, the workshop proved highly enriching, and to testify to that fact, Itziar Otegi, the workshop coordinator, recounts her impressions of the whole experience. Arantxa Iturbe also gives us her personal perception of the workshop and Julia Marin explores the specific characteristics of theatrical translation. Finally, the edition also includes a series of brief CVs of all participants.
