Senez 37 (2009)
- Date of publication: 2009
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 96 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Love for Two Languages - Iñaki Azkune Mendia
- The Prose Poems of Klaus Rifbjerg - Juan Mari Mendizabal
- A Conversation with Bego Montorio Uribarren and Patxi Uribarren: Uncle and Niece Discuss Translation - Patxi Uribarren, Bego Montorio
- Remembering Axun Aierbe - Maite Imaz Leunda
- Homage to Juantxo Ziganda Zilbeti: Non-Native Basque Speaker, Professor, Translator - Xabier Olarra, Fernando Rey
- From the Typewriter to Translation Memories - Andoni Sarriegi Eskisabel
- Serious Problems of Communicativity in Basque Texts - Xabier Aristegieta Okiñena
- Summaries in the Official Bulletin of the Basque Country - Mitxel Kaltzakorta
- «Lengoaia»: Terminology and Sociolinguistics - Alfontso Mujika
- Interpretation: Where Are We Going? Where Do We Want To Go? - Joseba Urkia
- 'Matxin', the First Automatic Translation System that Translates into Basque - Aingeru Mayor, Iñaki Alegria, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza, Gorka Labaka, Mikel Lersundi, Kepa Sarasola
- Putting Together the History of Translation in Spain: Creating an Historical Encyclopaedic Dictionary - Francisco Lafarga (UB), Luis Pegenaute (UPF)
- Literature for Children and Young People Translated from German into Basque, or The Neverending Story - Naroa Zubillaga
- The CEATL Association Today: A Window to Europe - Itziar Otegi
- Fighting Moliere's Verses - Juan Martin Elexpuru
- Kafka's Translator - Iban Zaldua
- A Brief Excursion in Literary Translation: Chronicle of a (Perhaps Too Daring) Adventure - Oskar Arana
- Euskararako literatur itzulpena (ELI dossierra) - Bego Montorio
- Azken urteotako literatur itzulpenen azterketa (ELI dossierra) - Bego Montorio
- The writer's view by Anjel Lertxundi - Anjel Lertxundi
- Euskal itzulpenen inbentarioa eta azterketa (1976-2008) - Manu López Gaseni (ELI dossierra)
- Literatura Unibertsala bildumaren ebaluazioa - Iñigo Errasti
- A report on Basque literary translation reviews - Manu Lopez Gaseni
- Literatur itzulpenak baloratzeko irizpideak (Lan saioaren narrazioa - ELI dossierra) - Itziar Otegi