Senez 30 (2006)
- Date of publication: 2006
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 192 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts of the following articles.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- Several poems by Andrés Estellés - Vicent Andrés Estellés, Gerardo Markuleta
- Four generations dealing with translation from/into Basque language - Karlos del Olmo, Nahia Zubeldia
- Interview with Roda P. Roberts - Erika Gonzalez, Iñigo Errasti
- Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of the Basque Country - Gidor Bilbao Telletxea
- Itzul Baita, benchmark centre for basque translation - Bego Montorio
- Computer-based Aids to Translation - Maite Imaz
- The continuing education of translators employed in local government - Gotzon Egia
- Exercises in Style: Raymond Queneau - Xabier Olarra
- The translation of Euclid's «Elements»: a contribution to the standardization of Euskara in the field of mathematics - Patxi Angulo Martin
- Struggles and troubles of a translation. The Encyclopaedia of the Dead by Danilo Kiš in Basque - Monika Etxebarria
- Translation from/into minority languages. The Galician case - Ana Luna Alonso
- Simultaneous interpreting: keys and research methods - Xabier Payá