Senez 39 (2010)
- Date of publication: 2010
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 312 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- Carmina Burana (a selection) - Karlos del Olmo
- J.R. Etxebarria, scientist and translator (entretien) - Karlos del Olmo
- Joxan Ormazabal and translation - J.M. Olaizola Lazkano
- Towards a professional ethics in translation and interpreting - Julia Lobato
- Textual corpuses and linguistic planning - Xavier Gomez Guinovart
- Descriptive methodology applied to the audiovisual translation field: from the catalogue to the corpus - Josu Barambones
- Translation memories, and then what? - Imanol Urbieta
- Translation from a lexicographer's point of view: problems and solutions - Mikel Morris
- In the border area - Mikel Soto
- Diodanez - Iñaki Friera
- On Translating Basque Literature - Sarah Turtle
- Spanish as a target language - Idoia Santamaria
- Alleged deficiencies and real deficiencies of the Basque language when translating - Iñigo Roque
- 'Wilhelm Tell', Friedrich Schiller - Bakartxo Arrizabalaga
- 'Night's Lies': the translation workshop - Josu Zabaleta
- Translating Joyce: A Basque Perspective - John Beattie, Haizea Urtiaga, Sonia M. Amunárriz
- Unpublished translations of Mirande - Aiora Jaka
- Review of a number of publications on translation - Josu Barambones