Senez 18 (1996)
- Date of publication: 1996
- ISSN: 84-7086-287-1
- L.D.: SS 1.289
- 144 pp.

All articles in this issue have been published in Basque.
Translation: Joe Linehan
In this issue we present some of the themes debated in the seminars and courses organised by EIZIE on the analysis of literary translation. We believe they are interesting both for members of the Association and for subscribers to the journal and, indeed, for all those who work with and in the Basque language. They are dense articles that, together with theoretical reflections, deal with practical aspects through using numerous examples.
Thus, our journal is trying to fulfil the aim of being a useful tool in the task of theorisation, essential for translations in Basque. This, then, was the objective of those seminars and courses organised by EIZIE in order to analyse literary translation, believing it would be useful to share our conclusions and results with our readers.
Analysed in this issue are some of the difficulties that Basque currently has regarding the translation of erudite words, qualifying words and pronouns. Apart from these, Karlos Cid reflects on a translation undertaken from Czech and also we have included an article by José M Satrustegi, despite it being on a topic that was not dealt with in the seminars.
As a complement to the above, together with the usual bibliographical references, we have included four fables by Samaniego, with their original texts and suggested translations, with the idea of providing a light introduction to this issue. To finish, we would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that our journal is open to all those who wish to see there translated literary texts published.