Senez 48 (2017)
- Date of publication: september 2017
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 232 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- Erich Hackl: Memory, Truth, Beauty - Jon Kortazar, Juan Kruz Igerabide, Elizabete Manterola
- Hiazinto Fernandorena, always inventing, creating, and developing models for living in Basque - Andoni Sarriegi Eskisabel
- Xarriton, In Memoriam - Karlos del Olmo
- Interview with Idoia Gillenea - Karlos del Olmo
- Position of the International Federation of Translators regarding the future of professional translators - INF (trans.: Gotzon Egia)
- A few disjointed notes - Koro Navarro
- A single sentence is enough - Iñaki Bastarrika Izagirre
- «In Spanish, please»: literary self-translation in the Basque Country; a global viewpoint - Garazi Arrula Ruiz
- Translation of poetry: analysis of a marginal activity - Ane Garcia Lopez
- Translators and poets working shoulder to shoulder to translate Catalan poetry into Basque: reflections on and fruits of a seminar - Amaia Apalauza Ollo
- Theater, beyond paper - Garazi Ugalde Pikabea
- Lin Shu, author of the Quixote - Mikaël Gómez Guthart (trans.: Iñigo Roque)
- Review of a number of publications on translation - Karlos del Olmo
- Special supplement: Making the foreign one's own - Presentation - Karlos del Olmo
- Language technologies in the era of the Big Data: search engines, translation programs... - IXA Group (Special supplement: Making the foreign ones own)
- The Observatory of the Lexicon: an open window to the Basque lexicon used in the media in the 21st century - IXA Group (Special supplement: Making the foreign ones own)
- Resources for the development of terminology at the University of the Basque Country - IXA Group (Special supplement: Making the foreign ones own)
- Machine Translation of Basque - IXA Group (Special supplement: Making the foreign ones own)