Senez 26 (2003)
- Date of publication: 2003
- ISSN: 84-7086-287-1
- L.D.: S.S. 1458/03
- 144 pp.

All articles in this issue have been published in Basque.
Gotzon Egia
This year's issue of the journal Senez is, in my opinion, a faithful expression of the tasks to be completed by Basque translation and by EIZIE. Indeed, the issue the readers have in their hands contains translated poems, translations of texts on translators, profound analyses of the pragmatics of translation, the relationship between computers and quality, future ways for interpreting, an interview with a translator with broad experience, and a review of a pioneer translation.
From poet Itxaro Borda's ample production we have taken a few examples, originally written in Basque and published in French, and now translated into Spanish by Flo Laroche. We want to thank Susa publishing house for the opportunity to publish the poems in this issue.
A double connection links the next three articles: they are translations and they deal with translation. Karlos del Olmo has translated two of them: a short but solid reflection by Augusto Monterroso on the translation of book titles, and a merciless critique written by Victor Hugo on translators, based on the translations of classical texts. Then comes the translation of the paper delivered by Jose Saramago to a translators' conference held in Buenos Aires.
Juan Garzia has studied, as keenly as always, an issue which from a pragmatic point of view impregnates Basque translation: the choice between -ko and -en suffixes as equivalent to prepositions in other languages. With great insight, he shows us the uselessness of solutions supposed to be general and automatically used equivalents.
Itziar Bernaola, Ana I. Morales and Irune Payros have developed a topic which had been sketched in previous issues: tools for computer-based translation, particularly those based on systems of translation memory.
In this issue we wanted to give an overview of interpreting, as a basic variation of translation; moreover, we must not forget that the second 'I' in the palindromic acronym of our association corresponds to interpreters. We asked Lourdes Auzmendi to write an introduction on the future tasks of interpreting in the Basque Country, and after her introduction comes Erika Gonzalez's contribution, which deals with community interpreting.
As has been usual in the last few years, we publish the conversation we held with Xabier Olarra, publisher and member of EIZIE, who knows well all aspects of the profession.
Finally, we wanted to pay homage to Jose Antonio Azpiroz Ormazabal, Basque translator and a member of EIZIE, who passed away on April 12, 2003. Azpiroz translated ''Ansichten eines Clowns'', by German writer Heinrich Böll (Pailazo baten aburuak, Elkar, 1986), and we asked Pello Zabaleta to do a review of the translation, in the belief that the best way to honour the translator's name and prestige would be precisely to take his work into consideration.