Senez 43 (2012)
- Date of publication: 2012
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 224 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Editorial - Karlos del Olmo
- In 'Bable' - Karlos del Olmo
- Interview with Andres Urrutia, President of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language - Karlos del Olmo
- Interview with Jost Gippert, ambassador of the Basque language in Germany - Elena Martínez Rubio
- Txillardegi: a New Star in the Sky of Muitza - Karlos del Olmo
- Xabier Mendiguren Bereziartu: a Life in Translation - Xabier Mendiguren Bereziartu
- 'Basically, everything is translation': Joseba Sarrionandia and Translation - Aiora Jaka Irizar (UPV/EHU)
- A Comparison of Different Types of Translation of the Works of Bernardo Atxaga - Elizabete Manterola (UPV/EHU)
- Translating Cortazar Seventeen Years Ago: 'The Southern Thruway' - Iñigo Roque Eguzkitza
- Translating Proverbs from the 15th Century in the 21st Century: Proverbs in La Celestina in Basque - Karlos del Olmo
- The Process of Correction in the Bakun Translation Agency - Joseba Ossa
- A Young Beckett. Reflections on the Translation of 'Dream of Fair to Middling Women' (Spanish title, 'Sueño con mujeres que ni fu ni fa') - Jose Francisco Fernandez (University of Almeria)
- European Parliament and Council Directive 2010/64/UE, Concerning the Right to Interpretation and Translation in Criminal Trials - Josu Barambones (UPV/EHU)
- Free Open-Source Code Tools for Translation - Elena García
- Review of a number of publications on translation - Xabier Mendiguren Bereziartu