Senez 7 (1988)
- Date of publication: 1988
- ISSN: 84-7086-198-0
- L.D.: S.S. 109/89
- 282 pp.
All articles in this issue have been published in Basque. You can read the abstracts.

- Presentation - EIZIE
- The Tradition on Translating and the Bible in West Europe - Xabier Mendiguren
- Translating the Bible in Euskal Herria (the Basque Country) - Jesus M. Zabaleta
- Interecclesial group for the translation of de Bible - Dionisio Amundarain
- The New Testament of the Commission for the Translation of Liturgy - Eustasio Etxezarreta
- "Traduire sans trahir": The theory of translation applied to biblical texts - Lurdes Auzmendi
- Some arguments on the renovation of the studies of translation and interpretation - HAEE
- The Association of Basque Translators, Correctors and Interpreters - Lurdes Auzmendi