Some arguments on the renovation of the studies of translation and interpretation


With regard to the technical repport about the renovation of the studies of translation and interpretation, prepared by the group 13 and presented to the Univesity Council, we shall say that in general, the profile of the translator an interpreter designed by the repport seems accurate enough, as well as the lenght and degree of the studies, as far as the entry tests are concerned, the end of studies research work, etc.

However, we cannot agree with the definition of mother tongue or A language, as in the repport it is considered as such only the spanish language, when A language should he any of the official languages of the State. That is, when defining the translator function and his/her preparation, it should he taken into account, on one hand the international relationships of the State and on the other hand its multilingual nature. This two different functions, above all the one that comes out from the specific needs of the Autonomical Communities which have a language of their own, are not mentioned in the repport.

With regard to the Basque Country, and in order to answer to the needs imposed by the Autonomical Statute, there are about 80 translators working at the Administration, which do not have specific studies on translation.

In our case, when trying to design the profile of a translator and his/her preparation, it must be considered the sociolinguistical situation of the basque language, that is, the processus of normalization of the use of the language, as well as that of unification and updating of the "euskara".

For that reason, the basque translator, in the Basque Administration, we shall say that the Basque Government, facing the new needs, established a School of administrative translation, within the IVAP (Basque Institute of Public Adminstration). Due to its structure and performance, this school has always shown its university vocation, and one of their aims is in fact become a part of the University.

Apart from this school, there is another private one, established by Euskaltzaindia and that due to a lack of an appropriate frame, risks its estinotion.

In this sense, we find this a suitable moment to ask the Government of the State that trhough the University Council, regulates all matters concerning the degree and preparation of translators which linguistic co-officiality makes necessary.

We propose the establishement of a double degree, or two degrees, both homogeneous and with a similar value at the same time, in order to respond to the above mentiones needs and for the sociolinguistical reasons already pointed out; and structured in such a way that the students could choose between one degree or another. In this proposal, A language would be the specific one for each Autonomical Community, and B language would be Spanish. We also propose the estabilishment of a fifth course which would work as a bridge between the two of them.