Senez 54 (2023)
- Date of publication: September 2023
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1049-2015
- 291 pages

- Whose are they? - Ane Garcia Lopez, Harkaitz Cano, Ane Zubeldia, Nahia Zubeldia
- Conversations between writer and translator, friend and friend. Remembering Miren Iriarte - Uxue Albedi, Amaia Apalauza and Samara Velte
- Joseba Urzelai Agirre, in memoriam - Iñigo Errasti
- From Mugalde, Bakartxo Arrizabalaga Labrousse - Garazi Ugalde Pikabea
- A panel discussion about the collection Literatura Unibertsala - Anjel Erro, Irati Jimenez, Manu López Gaseni
- Translating 'Ulysses' - Xabier Olarra
- On Translating Mayi Pelot’s 'Biharko oroitzapenak' into English - Arrate Hidalgo Sánchez
- Basque translation online: the faces behind the screen - Leire Vargas Nieto
- The Antxeta publishing house, a pioneer in Basque comics for adults - Esti Unanue
- 'Masculinities' in Basque: the highlights (and reflections) of a translation process - Ane Garcia Lopez
- The comprehensive translation of texts in the field of feminism - Amaia Astobiza Uriarte
- Motherhood, at the crossroads of translation and interpretation - Garazi Biain Garmendia
- In pursuit of pearls: discriminatory language in the Elhuyar Dictionary - Eneko Sagarzazu Martinez
- The integration of Leonard Cohen’s songs into Spanish culture through Xabier Lete’s translations - Alejandro Ros-Abaurrea
- The linguistic quality of Netflix subtitles in Basque - Josu Barambones Zubiria
- Language policy and international audiovisuals: why we are in favor of dubbing - Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun Sagalà and Fermin Zabaltza Aleman
- Kantatutzera nua: how we started out in the Administration of Navarre - Mikel Taberna
- Course on “Copyediting: Layers upon layers II”: observations and reflections - Alaitz Zabaleta Sarobe
- A chronicle of the summer course “Translation, an activity in continuous technological transformation” - Leire Segura Garralda
- Hau, hori, hura. The Basque demonstrative system: a proposal for standard Basque - Amaia Lasheras Perez