From Mugalde, Bakartxo Arrizabalaga Labrousse
Garazi Ugalde Pikabea


Bakartxo Arrizabalaga Labrousse (Irun, 1957) has worked in translation for many years. She came to the field of translation after completing her teacher training, spurred on by her passion for the Basque language. She became a translator with the aim of putting into practice what she had learned at the Martutene Translators’ School and, after working in different places at various organizations, she worked for several years in the Basque Parliament. While living in Vitoria, she returned to the university having recently earned her degree in translation. She later worked as a free-lance translator, translating mainly between French and Basque. She has been a member of EIZIE since the association was founded, and served as its president for four years, from 2009 to 2013. She is one of the few Basque translators who have addressed the relationship between feminism and translation. She spoke with us at Senez about her long journey in translation, among other things.