Jean Haritschelhar, 'in memoriam'
Karlos del Olmo


In homage to Jean Haritschelhar, the late honorary member of EIZIE (Euskal Itzultzaile, Zuzentzaile eta Interpreteen Elkartea, the Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of the Basque Language), we publish here a brief text written by Andres Urrutia, the present president of Euskaltzaindia (the Royal Academy of the Basque Language), on the corpus of translation by Haritschelhar, who preceded him as president. We also include one of Haritschelhar's translations, previously published by EIZIE in the anthology of translations Itzulpen Antologia II, a collection of works by EIZIE members awarded emeritus status in 1996. For the anthology, Haritschelhar chose his translation into French of verses by Etchahun (Ahaide delezius huntan [To This Sweet Tune]). In his introduction to the anthology, Juan Mari Lekuona (first president and also honorary member of EIZIE) praises the precision, richness and skill with which Haritschelhar approached the literary tradition of the northern dialects of Basque in his translations.