Old customs for new times: how to take the first steps in the profession
Lurdes Auzmendi

Translation: Kristin Addis


The leap one takes upon entering the work force after completing one's studies is always difficult. For many years, translation was considered a solitary labor, but now it is clear that the characteristics of our profession are very different: if we work in or for a business, if we translate or interpret in an institution, even when we translate literary texts, we will be working with other professionals (whether or not they are translators or interpreters and whether the relationship is in person or over the web).

In any case, one must prepare well for this stage, and this preparation must begin at the university, by taking advantage of the available systematic training, and also by taking the maximum advantage of the opportunities offered to students through tutorship, internships in businesses and institutions, etc. Once you have completed your studies and start looking for work, there are different steps to follow depending on the field in which you wish to work. Finally, it is recommended that you join an association of translator-interpreters as early as possible in order to gain access to information and training.