Survey of audiovisual translators: report on results
Josu Barambones Zubiria

Translation: Kristin Addis


This work reveals the basic characteristics of the audiovisual translator in Basque, and examines the professional practice of audiovisual translation. A survey was designed in order to determine the working and socio-professional conditions under which this group of translators works, and the answers, analyzed and systematized, are presented in this report.

The survey gathered data on the factors that influence or have the potential to influence the final result of translation. Thus, factors like the level of training of audiovisual translators, the materials they use, the time they have to carry out the job of translation and the restrictions that operate in audiovisual translation are the object of study and analysis.

The results of the survey show first the necessity for audiovisual translators to turn to other types of translation in order to survive due to the insufficient remuneration and lack of demand that exist in this field. Likewise, it must be noted that self-training has played a prominent role in the professional training of these translators. With respect to the practice of translation, the answers to the survey confirm that dubbing has its own conventions. Phonetic synchrony and isochrony were identified as restrictions on form. Finally, the translation of humor and cultural references, as well as the translation and adaptation of songs, are the primary difficulties that audiovisual translators must overcome.