Notes for a history of translation
Agustín García Calvo


This is an article by Agustín García Calvo, published by Siglo Veintiuno, Lalia. Essays on the linguistic study of Society, Madrid, 1973. Professor of Latin and well-known translator of Greek classics, through this article offers us his thoughts on the origins of translation. As Basque language translators, we find ourselves inevitably ensnared in problems of a linguistic-traductological nature which crop up daily in this kind of work. This prevents us from distancing ourselves from our daily work and makes it impossible for us to stand back to get a more general view of what we are doing — we are always immersed in our own affairs. This article is an invitation to take this step which, as in the case of translators in general, should also be taken by Basque translators. This article analyzes the relationship between language, culture and translation from the philosophical-linguistic point of view.