Senez 33 (2007, special issue)
- Date of publication: 2007
- ISSN: 1132-2152
- L.D.: SS-1152/01
- 112 pp.
Dear Reader:
You hold in your hands a special edition of the journal Senez, an issue that offers selected stories in Basque translated into several different languages. This work is the fruit of the Writer in the Translators' Workshop project organized by the Euskal Itzulzaile, Zuzentzaile eta Interpreteen Elkartea (EIZIE, the Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of the Basque Language) in the fall of 2007; each year, the winner of the preceding year's Euskadi Literatura Saria (Euskadi Prize for Literature) works face to face with his translators. Here you have the title story from Iban Zaldua's book Itzalak (Shadows) in four languages: Basque, Spanish, German and Italian.
We begin this issue with Iban Zaldua's story Itzulpengintza (Translation), also in Basque, Spanish, German and Italian.
And to conclude the issue, as a supplement, we offer an excerpt of the opening story of Itzalak (Shadows) in English and in the authors own translation into Spanish.