In the border area
Mikel Soto


In this article Mikel Soto speaks about the translation of literary texts from the point of view of the editor. The first part of the article carries out a brief recap of translation in his publishing house, Txalaparta, reviewing the important authors and titles present in the company's catalogue. He analyses in depth the translation in to Basque language, the importance of translations in the conformation of publishing catalogue and he describes the pleasure of translating texts within his publishing tasks.

In the second part he lists the problems caused by translation, such as the lack of accuracy of certain translations regarding the original texts, the difficulty to compare texts, rates, the process of professionalism, etc. He analyses the different options to overcome the abovementioned common problems of translation and, finally, he points out the importance of translation as a bridge between cultures and the need for institutions and associations to support the latter.