A Young Beckett. Reflections on the Translation of 'Dream of Fair to Middling Women' (Spanish title, 'Sueño con mujeres que ni fu ni fa')
Jose Francisco Fernandez (University of Almeria)

The purpose of this article was to explain concisely the method followed in the translation of Samuel Beckett's novel Dream of Fair to Middling Women, published in Spanish under the title Sueño con mujeres que ni fu ni fa by Barcelona publishing house Tusquets in November of 2011. The work was translated by Miguel Martínez Lage and the author of the article, José Francisco Fernández, during the winter of 2010-2011 in the coastal town of Almería. The article details the problems they encountered in translating the text and how they decided to solve them, together with a brief introduction of the novel in question and on the translators' reasons for undertaking the task.