The EN-15038 regulation on "Translation Services": analysis of certain aspects established by the 2006 European Regulation on the revision of translation
Silvia Parra Galiano


The EN-15038 European Regulation on the system for guaranteeing quality when providing translation services points to the importance, for a host of reasons, of revising translations.

The article starts by providing a brief overview of the origin and aim of the European Regulation EN-15038: 2006. It then goes on to put forward five points that regard revision as the procedure for guaranteeing translation quality and which are used to analyse certain aspects of the regulation, always on the basis of the version in Spanish (UNE-EN 15038).

Finally, by using the conclusions drawn from the analysis, the importance attached by the EN-15038: 2006 to reviewing translation is justified, and so is the relationship regarding other procedures for guaranteeing translation quality, given that revisions on more than one level can be done to comply with the requirements of this Regulation that is being commented on.