Sigla eta izen berezi batzuen deklinabidea
Gotzon Egia


The complexity of the declination of Basque presents the translator with specific problems the solutions to which may be argued. One of them is that of the declination of initials and of some proper nouns: this is one of the most generally worrying points and is reflected in the nomerous acticles which have appeared throught this year in specialized magazines concerning the translation and adaptation of names.

Both problems, though mainly that of the initials, are of course more frequent the more they are used specially in technical and administrative textes.

The author analyzes first the problem of descriptive proper nouns. ( Names whichal so describe the noun for example Partido Comunista). This in Basque is problematic as the declination of common nouns is different to that of the propoer nouns. After briefly looking over what has been written on this subject, the author tends towards declining them always if they were names.

The author goes on to speak of two types of initials: those originating from Basque, their substratum being known, and being declinable as common nouns; this itself in fact anables us to distinguish perfectly the actual abbreviation from the desinence. And on the other hand the more internationally common initials or abbreviations, to be declined as proper nouns (seen in writing in the same way as above NATOren, SALTeko).