Iñaki Friera


The aim of the article is to share my experience of Idazlea itzultzaileen lantegian 2009 (The writer in the Translators' Workshop). It is not a theoretical work on translation, but a mixture of thoughts, feelings, fears and laughs recovered nearly a year after, ordered in time with the 11 short stories of Karlos Linazasoro which we had to translate and discuss. Therefore, it intends to be a retrospective glance, as if it were an exercise of retroactivity, a list of the moments that provided me the most things, of the steps that we took, of the doubts that came up (and still come up when we look back), of the combination that took place and that left me such a good taste in my mouth. Finally, the article is a channel to express my gratitude towards the people who gave me the opportunity to take part and those who made me feel amongst old friends thanks to their coordination work.