Basque literature in Polish (2011)
Seminar on Basque-Polish literary translation
Poznań-Gasteiz (Vitoria)
Twelve short stories or excerpts in Polish by ten contemporary writers in the Basque language, and a lecture in Basque given by the Polish writer and journalist Ryszard Kapuściński are the fruits of the Poznań-Gasteiz (Vitoria) seminar, the work of students and former students of the UAM-University of Poznań, under the direction of Amaia Donés, the Basque-language lector at the UAM, and Bego Montorio, the translator and lecturer at the EHU-University of the Basque Country.
To complement the printed edition (Kontu-Kontari, we wanted to post these stories on the website, since one of our tasks is to promote initiatives taking place in connection with Basque translation activity, and to inform about them and disseminate them.
The twelve stories translated into Polish in the Poznań-Gasteiz (Vitoria) seminar are as follows:
- Arrate Egaña: Książki, nic więcej (Liburuak besterik ez)
- Jon Martin: Łódka (Txalupa)
- Julen Gabiria: Dzwoni w każdy wtorek (Asteartero deitzen du)
- Lander Garro: Tak wiele miejsc (Hainbeste herri)
- Jon Gaztelumendi: Kiedy patrzy księżyc (Ilargiak begiratzen duenean)
- Arantxa Iturbe: Maria i Józef (Maria eta Jose)
- Arantxa Iturbe: Czerwona chusta na szyi (Pañuelo gorria lepoan)
- Karmele Jaio: To nie jest Hollywood (Hau ez da Hollywood)
- Karmele Jaio: Zamrożony lot (Hegaldi izoztua)
- Edorta Jiménez: Głosy wielorybów (Baleen berbaroa)
- Mariasun Landa: Krokodyl pod łóżkiem (Krokodiloa ohe azpian)
- Eider Rodriguez: Koci ludzie (Katu-jendea)
See all the stories in a single document
Click here to read Ryszard Kapuściński's lecture (in Basque)
These are not the first exchanges between Basque and Polish literature. The excerpt Azken hitzaren bila (In search of the Last Word) from Obabakoak by Bernardo Atxaga - Obabakoak.W poszukiwaniu ostatniego slowa was published in 1992, and the collection of short stories Pewnej nocy w parku Opowiadania baskijskie was brought out in 2000. Two Basque stories have also been published in Polish in the Senez journal on translation: Jokin Muñoz's Hausturak was translated by Adam Zawiszewski in 2005, and Xabier Montoia's Irapuato was translated by Joanna Janiszewska in 2008. And from Polish into Basque, Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz's Wilkoko andereñoak was translated by Adam Zawiszewski, as part of the collection of Universal Literature.
It should be remembered that in 1991 Basque language classes began to be given at the UAM-University of Poznań, and since 2004 Basque has been its specialization language.
(Organised by ItzulBaita).