International days

International Translation Day
Each year, on September 30th, EIZIE organizes an activity to celebrate this event.
“Translating the Untranslatable”, a short video by CEATL on the occasion of the ITD
"The profession of Translation", a video by EIZIE with Spanish and French subtitles
«Badugu zer ospatu Itzulpengintzaren Nazioarteko Egunean»
Collection of statements and activities around International Translation Day.
SENEZ aldizkariaren 35 urteak eta 50 zenbakiak ospakizun. Celebration of the 35th anniversary of SENEZ translation journal.
Literatura Unibertsala Wikitzen
Editaton of the Basque Wikilariak Society on Universal Literature.
Munduari itzulia itzulpen-bira
An initiative of translating a sentence from Anjel Lertxundi into as many languages as possible.
Itzultzaileon eguna ospatzeko, dokumental bat EIZIEn
On September 30, to celebrate International Translation Day, Die frau mit 5 elephants documentary was projected at EIZIE headquarters (director: Vadim Jendrey).
Itzulpengintzaren aurpegiak irudi-lehiaketa
The CEATL Association organized an image contest to celebrate International Day of Translation.
International Text Editing Day
Each year, on October 27th, EIZIE organizes an activity to celebrate this event, which takes place only in Spain, Argentina and Mexico.
«Zuzentzaileak solasean» ekitaldia. A round table organized by EIZIE and Karrikiri.
Zuzendu hitzaren hamaika adiera, an article written in Basque by Amaia Apalauza Ollo, vicepresident of EIZIE.
Zuzentzailearen Nazioarteko Eguna ospatzeko mokaduak. An article in Basque by EIZIE.
Zuzenketaren Dekalogoa argitaratu du EIZIEk. Guidelines for proofreading, edited by EIZIE.
Biba zuek! , a blog post by Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun (31 eskutik).
Zuzentzaile baten eskutitz arrenezkoa, a blog post by Maialen Berasategi Catalán (31 eskutik).
Testu bat, hiri bat, uharte bat. An article written in Basque by Idoia Santamaría (EIZIE).
Zuzentzailearen Nazioarteko Egunean. An article written in Basque by Iñigo Roque (EIZIE).
International Conference Interpreters' Day
On November 20th, we celebrate conference interpreters' day.
Konferentzia-interpreteen Nazioarteko Egunean (2021) - An article and a video in basque.
Last modified: 26-04-2023