The novels of Nagib Mahfuz and Yasunari Kawabata in our Collection of Universal Literature

Midaq Alley, translated by Patxi Zubizarreta into Basque under the title Mirarien Kalezuloa and Ibon Uribarris Basque version of The House of Sleeping Beauties (Loti ederrak) have been added to our Collection, with both books being presented in Vitoria-Gasteiz on the 15 of December 2006.
Ibon Uribarri, member of EIZIE, PhD in Philosophy and lecturer in translation, has translated into Basque The House of Sleeping Beauties (Loti ederrak) by the celebrated Japanese Nobel prizewinner Yasunari Kawabata (1899-1972), full of eroticism and musicality.
And the Basque writer Patxi Zubizarreta has translated Midaq Alley by the Egyptian Nagib Mahfuz (Cairo, 1911-2006), who received the Nobel Prize in 1988. The translation was not from the original Arabic but from the French version and the translator lauds the work for «its sensuality, its fragrances and its colours - it is not a mere black and white story».
More information: Collection of Universal Literature