Open deadline to present projects for the Etxepare-Laboral Kutxa Translation prize

Etxepare Basque Institute The Etxepare Basque Institute and Laboral Kutxa have launched once again the Etxepare-Laboral Kutxa Translation Prize to award a prize to a published translation of a literary work which was originally written in Basque. The deadline to submit proposals will finish on June 23. The prize will reward the quality of the translation itself and the publisher's promotional strategy. For that reason, the publisher and the translator will share the prize. The prize will be worth 4,000 euros. The publisher and translator will each receive half that amount. As well as the prize, the prize-winners will receive a grant of up to 2,000 euros for being able to come to the prize-giving ceremony and continuing with the promotional strategy in the country of publication (presentations, events, publicity campaigns, media interviews...). The conditions are: applications will be accepted from translators, publishing houses or anyone else who works in the field of publishing, literature or translation; the translation must have been published in 2015, and it must be a published literary work originally written in Basque. The winners of the past edition were the translator Isaac Xubín and the publisher Kalandraka, for the translation of the work Tempo de exilio of Joseba Sarrionandia. More info .