Translation in the 21st Century

TAUS with the collaboration of Eleka and Langune will organise, next 10th May, in Donostia-San Sebastian, a round table on the challenges of translation industry in the 21st century.
Language and translation business is undergoing dramatic changes, characterized by a growing number of languages, a shift to more dynamic content and user-centric publishing. In this rapidly changing environment buyers and providers of language services and technologies are challenged to change their business models. In the TAUS Round Table meetings we invite language industry operators to help define strategies for translation in the 21st century.
The round table will be divided in three different parts. In the first one Jaap van der Meer TAUS responsible will give a perpective of the industry: changes in market forces, relationships and technologies. Entering a new evolutionary phase in globalization: the shift from a publisher-centric to a user-centric world and the impacts on the translation industry. How translation moved from cost to opportunity to strategy and how it now becomes a utility, ubiquitously available. He will also share with the audience the summary of the survey on use of MT in Spain. Finally, this part will end with an overview on the Basque public administration innitiatives on both MT and TM sharing.
In the second part some use cases will be presented among them Celer Soluciones, Pangeanic and Donostia-Gipuzkoa kutxa.
Eventualy a debate and discution forum will be impulsed where participants will share their visions on the challenges and future of the industry.
Registration is already openned at TAUS web site: