Catalonian Translators and Interpreters Create APTIC

The ATIC and TRIAC associations, two associations for Catalonian translators and interpreters, have joined together to form APTIC , the Associació Professional de Traductors i Intèrprets de Catalunya (Professional Association of Translators and Interpreters of Catalonia). Óscar Nabais is the president of this new professional association, which was officially established on January 1, 2009, with a combined membership of more than 500.
Two traditionally very different organizations have merged in the creation of APTIC. TRIAC was founded in 1995 to create an official organization for translators and interpreters, while ATIC was founded in 1994, the year in which a university degree in translation was first offered, by students of translation, who found their sector largely undeveloped and uncovered by any legislation of the time. The two associations worked separately for 10 years. In 2006, however, with the passing of the Catalonian law on certified professions and professional associations, it became clear that ATIC and TRIAC were working toward the same goals. The law states that professional associations may be formed only by those professions whose practice requires a university degree in the appropriate subject.