The ItzuL mailing list is 10 years old

At 5:00 pm on December 8, 1998, the president of EIZIE sent the first message to the ItzuL mailing list, a list that would become an important means of developing professional ties between translators.
At the time of the first message, the ItzuL mailing list had 15 subscribers; ten years later, it has 807.
In the last ten years, the ItzuL mailing list has seen an average of 33,794 messages per year; it receives some 3,000, which it then forwards to its subscribers. Given the average number of subscribers over the years, a total of a million and a half messages have thus been sent to subscribers during the life of the mailing list.
To celebrate this 10th anniversary, EIZIE has published an overview of the mailing list entitled ItzuL posta zerrenda 1998-2008 balantzea.