«The Song of the Crickets» by Edorta Jimenez translated into Spanish

Edorta Jimenez (born in Mundaka, 1953) announces the publication of El canto de los grillos, the translation into Spanish of his novel, Kilkerren hotsak (The Song of the Crickets), which was published by Susa in 2003. The translation, by Bego Montorio , was published by Ttartalo . The work will also be published soon in German, by the publishing house Pahl-Rugenstein .
The protagonist of The Song of the Crickets, which is set during the Spanish Civil War, is Alejandro Mallona, former mayor of Mundaka. Other historical characters in the novel include the photographers Robert Capa and David Seymour (known as Chim), the journalist George Steer, and the poet Lauaxeta.
This is not the first work by Edorta Jimenez that has been translated. Many of his books have been translated into Spanish, including Azken fusila (El último fusil [The Last Rifle]), Baleen berbaroa (Voces de ballena [Voices of Whales]), Hamalau ipuin (La estela de los ahogados [Fourteen Stories]), and most recently, Sukar ustelaren urtea (El año del tifus [The Year of Typhus]), which was published in Argentina. Two of these works have also been translated into Italian, Baleen berbaroa as La voce delle balene, and Azken fusila as L'ultimo fucile.