Translating voices of minority regions

The Department of Italian at the University of Durham (England) is organising the second International Conference of Translating Voices, Translating Regions, to be held on the 14 and 15 of September 2007.
As was made clear at the first Conference, there exists a real need to widen the horizon of the debate, including to fields such as the impact of the source language on the norms and syntax of the target language or the cultural impact that dominant languages exercise on minority languages..
For this reason, this second conference tries to explore existing theories and practices in the translation of marginalised voices, not only in the field of traditional literature but also in that of audiovisual translation, but also attending to sociolinguistic aspects. The organisers invite the submission of works which explore the main themes of the conference and, in particular, the following aspects relating to translation:
Strategies in audiovisual translation
- Accessibility: subtitling, dubbing, superimposed voices and audiodescription
- Availability: subtitling, dubbing or hybrid forms?
- Strategies underlying the different ideological options: censorship and political options
Translation to and from minority languages
- Ideological options
- Sociological impact
- Policies of linguistic equality
Dubbing and translation of dialects
Minority voices in translation
The submitted papers must be presented in English, Italian, Spanish or French. Nevertheless, articles will also be accepted from experts and professionals related to research carried out in other languages, if and when related to one of the above-mentioned areas.
The deadline for the presentation of the resumes (not more than 300 words) of the papers is the 20 of March 2007. For more information one should consult the Conference webpage