ILE announces award of Two Residential Literary Translation Bursaries

Ireland Literature Exchange/Idirmhalartán Litríocht Éireann (ILE) invites applications from experienced literary translators from the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Slovenia, who wish to spend up to four weeks in Ireland in 2006, working on the translation of a work of modern Irish literature.
The bursary is open to experienced literary translators, not resident in Ireland, who are under contract to a publisher.
The bursary will cover accommodation, board and living costs. All necessary arrangements will be made by ILE, and a substantial contribution will be made towards reasonable travel expenses. The bursary must be claimed before 31st December 2006.
Eligible candidates are invited to apply in writing by 28th April 2006 to:
Sinéad Mac Aodha
Ireland Literature Exchange
(Translation Bursary Programme)
25 Denzille Lane,
Dublin 2
Applications must include the following:
- Full contact details.
- A brief CV/résumé that lists qualifications and translation work to date, and details of publication where applicable.
- A brief outline of the work to be carried out during the residency.
- A copy of the signed contract with the publisher for the translation. Applications from translators who do not yet have a contract will be considered, provided ILE receives a contract before the residency begins.
- Estimated travel expenses (in Euro only). Please indicate if a contribution towards travel expenses is not required.
- The preferred period of residency. The bursary must be claimed before 31st December 2006.
Canvassing will disqualify.
The closing date for receipt of applications is: 28th April 2006. The successful candidates will be notified shortly thereafter.
Queries should be addressed to Sinéad Mac Aodha at the address above, or emailed with the subject line «Translation Bursary Programme» to
Further information:
Ireland Literature Exchange/Idirmhalartán Litríocht Éireann