The latest issue of the online magazine, Transcript, dedicated to Basque literature

Euskal Editoreen Elkartea (the Association of Basque Language Editors) and EIZIE (the Association of Basque Translators) presented the latest issue, , of the electronic magazine Transcript -dedicated wholly to Basque narrative-at the Frankfurt Book Fair . This prestigious magazine is published simultaneously in German, French and English, and boasts a considerable international presence. Mari Jose Olaziregi , lecturer in Basque Literature at the University of the Basque Country, has edited this latest issue.
At the Frankfurt Book Fair
The Frankfurt Book Fair, was the location chosen for the presentation of the latest issue of the online magazine, Transcript, a number which is given over in its entirety to literature in the Basque language. Attending the presentation, held at the Goethe University, were Jorge Gimenez Bech, president of Euskal Editoreen Elkartea, Miren Azkarate, minister in the Basque Government for Arts and Culture, and Alexandra Büchler, president of Literature Across Frontiers, which publishes Transcript.
«Ancient but young», is how those responsible for Transcript define literature in the Basque language, the monographic theme of the current issue published on the eve of the most important book fair in Europe. Mari Jose Olaziregi, philologist, literary critic and member of the Committee for the Publication of Basque Literature, in his role as guest editor, has been commissioned to select the articles and texts that make up the monographic issue, co-ordinating their translation into English, German and French.
Supported by a fine team of translators
Mr Olaziregi explained, «We undertook the task in just two months July and August - something which would not have been possible without the help of EIZIE and the excellent team of translators that we have been able to count on: Amaia Gabantxo and Kristin Addis for the English texts, Edurne Alegria and Fermin Arkotxa for the French and Jurgen Wolff, Petra Elser, Christiane Bendel and Ralf Streck for the German translations».
The monograph dedicated to Basque literature comprises three general articles on narrative in the Basque language (the magazine had previously published an article by Mr Olaziregi himself on Basque poetry) and, as an introduction, there will be an anthology of writers with a brief biography of each, together with extracts from their work.
From Euskal Herria to the world at large
The first article, written by Mr Olaziregi, is an overview of Basque literature over the past 30 years, in all its genres. In the second, Ms Aiora Jaka Irizar, lecturer at the University of Birmingham, England and a graduate in translation, reviews translation of literature in Basque and its presence internationally; the third article, by Jorge Gimenez Bech, deals with the Basque language publishing industry.
In the Anthology, we find authors such as Aingeru Epaltza, Angel Lertxundi, Ramon Saizarbitoria, Arantxa Urretabizkaia, Bernardo Atxaga, Mariasun Landa, Joseba Sarrionandia, Iban Zaldua, Lourdes Oñederra, Harkaitz Cano, Pello Lizarralde, Xabier Montoia and Inazio Mujika Iraola. In this section readers of English, French and German will be able to get to know these writers, read their texts in their own languages.
«Overcome frontiers»
«The publication of this issue provides a great opportunity for others to get to know Basque literature. It will reach internauts interested in the literature of other countries in three widely-used languages and it will help to create interest and, perhaps, a network of international contacts and support», explained Mr Olaziregi. «Internet is a very efficacious medium for promoting and encouraging this and it enables us to reach many more people much more rapidly».
As regards the current state of Basque literature and its publication in other countries, Mr Olaziregi believes that «we are living through a positive period, with high quality works which are increasingly overcoming frontiers and are of interest to an ever-wider public from other cultures and countries».
More information:
- Electronic magazine Transcript
- Literature Across Frontiers programa
Article originally published on the webpage.