Translation House Looren

2005 June 28
Translation House Looren

The Translation House Looren in Wernetshausen (Hinwil Township, Canton Zürich, Switzerland) will open its doors on September 3, 2005.

The first Swiss Translation House offers you as a translator the opportunity to carry out your translating activity in a quiet country setting. Eight single and two double rooms are available as well as a large common room, a shared kitchen, Internet connections, copiers, etc., and a reference library. The weekly fee for staying at Translation House Looren is SFr. 25.- (€ 15.-). Not included in this fee are food, personal laundry and other individual expenses.

Inquiries may already be directed to the House, for which you will need to be a literary translator with at least one substantial published work and have a contract with a publishing company for the translation you are currently working on. You will find the application form and further information on line ( You can also contact the House at