Competition for students of translation

From 1 November to 31 December 2004, the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union is holding a competition involving the drafting of an article on the topic «Multilingualism at any price». The competition is open to students of translation from all Member States of the European Union.
Who can take part?
The competition is open to all nationals of the Member States of the European Union who are officially enrolled in at least their third year of translation studies at a higher education institution of one of the Member States of the European Union. The final date for submission of articles is 31 December 2004.
Students are asked to give their opinion on the topic «Multilingualism at any price». They should approach the topic from one of the following perspectives: the role, demands and challenges of translation in a multicultural and multilingual European Union made up of 25 members.
Notice of this competition is published on the Translation Centre's website and by any means at its discretion.
Terms of the competition
Article: Each participant may submit only one article. Only original signed documents containing the personal details of the author, in other words, the author's surname, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and the higher education institution in which they are enrolled, will be accepted. The article submitted by the participant must not have won an award at any prior competition, whether national or international, or have been published in the written press or in any other media.
Language: The article must be written in one of the official languages of the European Union and translated into either of the languages of the competition (English or French).
Presentation: The article may not exceed three pages, or 4 500 characters excluding spaces, in total. The length of the article will be assessed on the basis of the language of the competition chosen by the participant. The fonts recommended are Arial narrow, Helvetica and Times New Roman (size 12). If references are quoted, the title(s), name(s) of the author(s) and date(s) of publication must be given on a separate page. The article must be submitted on paper and electronic media (Word file on CD-ROM).
Participation: Participants must complete the registration form available on the Translation Centre's website. The form, duly completed and signed in the original, together with a certificate of enrolment at the relevant higher education institution in accordance with the conditions for participating in this competition, must be enclosed with the article.
Submission of articles
The registration form, certificate and article must be sent together by mail to the following address:
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union
Presidency of the jury of the competition «Multilingualism at any price»
1 rue du Fort Thüngen
L-1499 Luxembourg
The reference Competition «Multilingualism at any price» must be quoted clearly on the envelope. An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to all participants.
The competition will commence on 1 November 2004. The final date for submission of articles is 31 December 2004 (date as postmark).
Selection criteria
The jury appointed by the Translation Centre will consist of a chairman, four members and a secretary. It will select the three winners on the basis of the following criteria:
- knowledge of the subject matter,
- quality of the text,
- originality of the content,
- creativity.
The award will be presented to the authors of the three best articles selected by the jury. The award presented to each of the three winners will include:
- an invitation to the awards ceremony as part of the seminar organised by the Translation Centre in Luxembourg in 2005. Travel and subsistence expenses will be paid by the Translation Centre,
- the translation of the article into all official languages of the European Union, including, where necessary, a revision of the translation submitted,
- publication on electronic media of the CD-ROM type and on the Translation Centre's website,
- a four-month traineeship at the Translation Centre.
Announcement of results The winners will be contacted directly by the Translation Centre during the first quarter of 2005. Their names will be published on the Translation Centre's website.
Right of publication
All texts submitted will be deemed to be the property of the Translation Centre and will not be returned to the relevant author. They may be used in publications or for any other purpose deemed necessary.
The Translation Centre accepts no responsibility in the event of the loss of or damage to the texts submitted as part of this competition, whether as a result of theft, fire or any other case of force majeure. Participation in the competition assumes that all conditions laid down in this text are accepted in full.
Personal data
The personal data mentioned in the section «Terms of the Competition» will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. They can only be processed for the purposes laid down in the rules of the competition, notwithstanding the possibility to forward them to bodies charged with a monitoring or inspection task under Community law. All participants in the competition will have the right of access to or rectification of the personal data relating to them. For any questions regarding personal data, participants should contact the entity listed in the section «Submission of Articles».