A brief introduction to OmegaT

Samuel Murray-Smit, a South African freelance translator, had written a brief introduction to the CAT tool OmegaT, a useful tutorial of this translation memory tool. OmegaT is a freeware translation memory program that doesn't run on Microsoft Word. It seamlessly imports and exports plaintext, OpenOffice Writer documents and HTML.
OmegaT is a no-nonsense tool that increases productivity and consistency without taking creativity out of a translator's hands. The only requirement for using OmegaT is a reasonably fast computer with a Java RunTime Environment installed on it.
Although OmegaT aids and automates some of the translation processes, it is not simply a case of importing the source file, pressing a few buttons, and exporting the target file. The translator himself does the translating.
The latest version of OmegaT can be downloaded at http://www.omegat.org/omegat/omegat.html.
Read the full text of the OmegaT: introduction and tutorial.