Tumatxa, web-based tool for TM management

Tumatxa is a web-based manager of translation memories. It has been developed by CodeSyntax, a Basque company working in the fields of web applications and language technologies.
How dows Tumatxa work?
Tumatxa has been designed to aid in the process of translation. It lets translators and institutions that manage big volumes of translated text manage memories, terminology and translations on a web-based environment, overcoming restrictions posed by generators of TM. Networks of translators have it easier now to work together and share their efforts. Memories stored at Tumatxa can even be consulted (to clear terminology doubts, for instance) without specific TM software, just making online searches.
Visit the website and its demos here:
A free Zope product
Tumatxa is free software. You can download it here. But, BE AWARE, this is not a desktop application for the average Internet user or translator. This is a web application, it runs on the Zope web application server on machines with Linux as its OS. Zope expertise is needed in order to install it on a WWW site or an Intranet.
The main feature of Tumatxa is its usefulness to manage TMX files, the standard format for translation memory exchange. Tumatxa is fully compatible with Trados when importing and exporting TMX files. When TMX files are uploaded, they become directly searchable and editable. A given memory can be enriched adding new segments (merging it with a new TM file). And the user may search and select several memories, in order to pack them all in one single file and download it. Besides TMX, it also supports the .po file format used by GNU Gettext.
Two demo repositories of this Zope product are available at this site Tumatxa.com, check them and enjoy.
The name
Tumatxa is a Basque-jargon word derived from English too much and meaning cool! or so. TuMatXa also comprises the initials of TMX, the standard for translation memory exchanges.