New translation of «Don Quixote» by Edith Grossman

Edith Grossman has published a new English translation of the Cervantes' masterpiece. The book appeared in New York, at Ecco/HarperCollins Publishers, and has been welcomed with general applause by literary critics and book-reviewers.
Edith Grossman is the award-winning translator of major works by many of Latin America's most important writers, including Garbiel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Mayra Montero, Augusto Monterroso, and Álvaro Mutis. Born in Philadelphia, she attended the University of Pennsylvania and the Univerisity of California at Berkeley before receiving her Ph.D. from New York University. She lives in New York City.
Edith Grossman's translation adds a landmark to the long history of the English translations of Don Quixote.
Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes, in a book-review published in The New York Times, November 2, 2003, pointed out «the quality of her translation», and added: «This is truly masterly: the contemporaneous and the original co-exist. Not, mind you, the old
and the new.
Grossman sees to it that these facile categories do not creep into her work. To make the classic contemporary: this is the achievement.»