Berria, the new Basque newspaper

The new newspaper in Basque, called Berria , comes out with its first issue today, June 21, 2003. The word «berria» has been chosen because of its double meaning which suits perfectly: in Basque, «berria» means both «new» and «news». The new working team has already been named.
Administration Council named
Administration Council named
The Administration Council of Berria held its first meeting at the beginning of June, in front of the premises of the closed Egunkaria. Eleven people will take part in the Administration Council, but two of them have yet to be appointed from among the staff of the newspaper.
Very well known personalities from the Basque language and culture world will form the Administration Council, along with representatives of the business world.
Businessman Joxean Lizarribar will be the president and Egunkaria's former workers representative Joan Mari Larrarte has been appointed secretary.
The other seven members are: Xabier Kintana, member of Euskaltzaindia-Basque Language Academy; Adolfo Arejita head of the Basque Department of Labayru Institute; Ane Agirregomezkorta, president of Kontseilua in Araba province; Joxemari Sors, head of Elkar-Zabaltzen; businessman Patxi Noblia; Pello Zabala, franciscan monk, radio speaker and metereologist; and businessman Iñaki Dorronsoro. Lizarribar, Sors and Noblia were former members of the Administration Council of Egunkaria.
In his first speech as president of the Administration Council of Berria, Lizarribar promised the board will try to preserve the independence and pluralism of the editorial line of Berria. «All the political sensibilities of this country will be taken into consideration, as they were in Egunkaria», added Lizarribar.
The Administration Council of Berria has designated Martxelo Otamendi, former director of Egunkaria, for the direction of the new newspaper.